Well to make a long story short. Life Happens.
My marathon dreams are on hold for now. So close to the big day but it is needed. We have decided to move our family from Indiana to Flordia and what was suppose to be a well deserved vacation/ first marathon is needed to fly and find an apartment. There are more Marathons to be had though so no worries.
I was lucky enough to be able to fly with my hubby to California middle of March and help our Cousin race in her first Half Marathon! We were there for support and to aid in pacing her so that she was a guarranteed finisher! She did great and I couldnt be more proud of her. (There is more to that story at a later time)
I however walked away from the Half Marathon In CA with Severe blisters UNDER my toenails (the big piggies, the ones that go to the market). I did what i knew to do for a little over a week then had to turn my feet over to the docs for thier aid since they werent healing correct. After a good dose of meds and time I was finally able to remove (painfree) what part of the toenail that was no longer attached and dared to get caught on something sometime. Finally after almost a month after CA I got out to ngiht for a QUICK test run. Perfect spring day in Indiana. Perfect Weather. Sunset.
Best 2 miles of my life!! I almost forgot why I am a runner :)