Monday, January 17, 2011

Scale it back would ya?

Why is it that I feel the need to weigh myself everytime I am at the gym? And why is the scale in the corner? Not that I WANT it in the middle like some biggest loser nightmare but I already feel awekward at the number I see.  Back to 169ish.

OH YEAH I SAID IT!  Lets review, graduated highschool @163
got married @180
Started pregnancy #1 @ 180
ended at 202:) 
stated pregnacy #2 out @ 155
(no idea where i ended soemwhere under 200 is all i know)
start back at the gym @180 over a year to lose 15 pounds.. (3 half marathons and 4 sprint tri's and nothing)
 start working as a barista gain back 8lbs in 2 months!

Back to hardcore gym I go...

Then again I have always had a better body image no matter what the scale said as long as i was working on it. I just feel skinnier even if i am not.
Never the less.. i find myself frequenting the weight watchers website more and more, hearing about who is on it every time i turn the corner.. I think I need a small tug boat to get the scones out of my hand...

With all that said. I was a good little barista and got my legs in into STEP class for 50 minutes to "warm" up before my speed work today
4- 800s (.5 mi)
and a 10 min cool down with major stretching..

we will see who can walk tomorrow :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My new ride

A year ago I was training for my first big thing. Indianapolis 500 Mini Marathon. I was nervous, concerned, and trying to figure out what the hell a "pace" was ( i still wonder about farklets). This year I found it sad for the weather and time and life to push me back on the treadmill. I ran a super small 5k. I talked and walked for the first half mile to warm up. Stopped the treamill. Restart the counter and off I was. after a mile I was PAINFULLY aware that my shoes needed replaced.

"They" say every 300-500 miles to replace shoes. That is a ton of miles?! Right?

Well I think I put 2 half marathons and 5 sprint triathlons in events along. (maybe at 100 miles there) I SOOOO over wore my shoes.. so..

I BOUGHT NEW SHOES!!!!! Much like a new car I want to show my new shoes off to everyone (although no one cares hehe)

So watch out treadmill.. you are mine for the next 2 months! AHHHHH!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well It is OFFICIAL!! Jason and I are officially signed up for the Flying Pig Marathon May 1st 2011!

Be careful when you say, " Yeah, when pigs fly..." Becuase you never know!!

I am so excited!!!!