So, We have moved to Florida. The trip was fine. Great actually considering we had two small children in tow. Life here in Florida is great. There are small roadblocks here and there and there is always something in this apartment that needs tending to but no matter what....
I run!
I really had not been able to run at all the previous month or so between working, packing, and an irritating pain in my spine. (Feels like someone stuck a marble in my spine). So sadly i put running on hold until we were "settled". Four days ago though I laced back up. Not sure how it would go.
New place, new paths, new heat, new time, new me.
I was nervous but I have decided to take it slow and steady coming back into running.
First day in the Florida morning heat>15 minutes (plus warm up and down with stretching)
Second day in Florida morning heat > 20 minutes with all the above
Third day again > 20 minutes But i ventured out onto the main road that is by me "Tampa Road".
Fourth day> 25 minutes with small warm up and a long walk down (taking the trash to the dumpster and laundry to dry in the common wash area since our dryer is still not hooked up) 45 min total of good heart rate.
I am learning new things like. Why they have been giving me hats for free at Half marathons (i use them now for the sun). The fact I need more than one pair of running shorts. I need more socks. I need more water ready to grab when I get back home.
But how can I not love running in Florida? I do miss my old running store but I found a new one and even found a group that meets Wed. nights to run around our town. Friends with the love for running as well?? I am so excited at the possibilities! And lets face it, it is easier to run alongside palm trees!
Back to the adventures of running. I am already researching the next races! In Indiana I am missing the Prime race season, but here in Florida becuase of the heat Race season doesnt really kick off til mid september mostly october, so I have time to get these legs back into the pace!
I have also restarted Weight Watchers, for all the reasons a person would, wedding I am in next month, want to fit old clothes, baby wieght, you name it! But mostly I like to feel like me again. And the beach in a bikini is a pretty good modivator!!!!
Any tips you use for running in the heat?
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